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we can write for 39 states & seek out training that not everyone is able to take the time to get. Washington state and their modifications to the federal guidelines is our specialty. we've dealt with all conditions, rural and city, major and small; Other states based on the mutcd are just as easy to design for. our region of service can be found here.

We design traffic control plans, consultations, expert witness and provide traffic control & flagger training. our regions for writing plans are currently. we do provide training specific to your type of work when requested. if we don't provide it, we probably know who does.

This depends on 3 factors: 1) ALl projects controlled by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) require TCPs per 23 CFR Part 630 J; 2) state regulations such as for Washington Administrative Code 296-155-305 (7)(b) states: "If flaggers are to be used on a job that will last more than one day, then the employer, responsible contractor and/or project owner must keep, on-site, a current site specific traffic control plan;" 3) the owner of the road [road authority] may require one due to their liability & your's as the contractor, or organizational concerns to help the public through the work zone.

Traffic Control Plans range from $175-$250 per page depending on the urgency of the request. For more details, please check out our pricing page here:

TCPs are designed to be site specific. Every setup of how traffic will flow will have it's own page as required industry practice. We do include advisor notes to better help your TCs/TCT or site foremen know of site hazards or suggestions relative to your project site.

this is site specific. give us a call. for the sake of liability it is a great idea when you have pedestrians affected by your work, frequent truck movement, or the need to stop traffic at all. flagger locations on a site are expected to be listed on a TCP.
(253) 243-3864

Give us your project details on the start page and our workflow system will have someone contact you as soon as possible to get your design rolling. turn around time is generally better than you'd hope for.

Tacoma office
PO Box 111431
Tacoma, WA 98411
Las Vegas office
3225 McLeod Drive, Ste 100
Las vegas, nv 89121
UBI #: 604-878-430
DUNS #: 118656993
$2MM GL/$2MM E&0
©2025 - Traffic Mitigation Group - All Rights Reserved
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